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Friday, January 25, 2013

Surakarta Calendar of Events 2013

If you have a plan to visit the Surakarta in the year of 2013, it is better for you to take into account the time of  your visit to the event which will be held  in this year. This traditional and modern events are the good event of local, national, to international level.
Here are the events that will be held in Surakarta in this time

1. Event: Sekaten
Time : January 1-January 24, 2013
Location: Surakarta Palace, Surakarta City
Description: It is annual tradition to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad.  The word Sekaten comes from the term Syahadatain or two sentences Creed of Muslem. Traveller will be able to enjoy  various folk performances and markets that sell souvenirs and handicrafts, as well as exhibitions in performances of Surakarta Palace . Sekaten lasted a few days before the peak of the event, Grebeg Mulud which falls on January 24, 2013. The tradition of commemorating the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad actually held in some other region of central Java.

2. Event : Grebeg Sudiro
Waktu: February 3, 2013
Location:  Gedhe Market Area,  City of Surakarta
Description: The event was held to celebrate  the  New Year Chiness  Calendar.  Mountains of thousands basket cake will be shown around Pasar Gede.  Dozens of participants dressed in traditional Javanese and Chinese will accompany with the lanterns. Visitor will be presented  with  the appearance of liong, lion dance, party lanterns, fireworks and other arts.

3. Event: Jenang Solo Festival
Time: February 17, 2013
Location: Ngarsopuro / Jl.  Jenderal Sudirman, the city of Surakarta
Description:  Jenang Solo Festival held to commemorate the anniversary of the city of Solo.  You must come to this event because, In this event there will be  free distribution of more than 10 thousand diverse porridge to people who attended.
CP: Telp.0271 Surakarta City Tourism Office-711 435

4. Event: Mountains Charity Boat Race
 Time:  February 17, 2013
Location: Solo River, the city of Surakarta
Description: It is boat Race  to explore the tourism potential of Bengawan Solo, as well as environmental campaigns keep the river. Bengawan Solo  is famous river in Java.  It is the the longest river in the Indonesian island of Java approximately 600 km in length.  Many discoveries of early hominid remains have been made at several sites in its valleys, especially at Sangiran.  In 2011 and 2012 Mountains Charity Boat Race event many participants from abroad.

Surakarta Calendar of Events 2013 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Alis Tuwek


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