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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Radya Pustaka, The Oldest Museum in Indonesia

As  cultural city, Solo has the oldest museum in Indonesia. Radya Pustaka Museum is the first museum built in the Dutch East Indies colonial administration in 1890. It was  Kanjeng Adipati Sosroningrat  IV, Patih of King Pakoe Boewono IX and Pakoe Boewono X, who started to build the museum  on October 28, 1890
Beautiful Kris Collections

The location of  Radya Pustaka Museum is at Slamet Riyadi Street, housed in the Cultural Tourism complex of Sriwedari Park. In the museum's stored collections of ancient objects that have a high value of art and history, among other things,  Some of them are bronze and stone statues of Hindu and Buddhist era. Collection of ancient kris and a variety of traditional weapons, a set of gamelan, wayang kulit and wayang beber, a collection of ceramics and various other art items.
Radya Pustaka Museum

As the oldest museum in Indonesia Radya Pustaka also has a library which has a collection of books and knowledge of cultural history, art and traditions and literature both in Old Javanese and Dutch. No wonder the museum becames a place of reference cultural researchers from all over Indonesia, even from abroad who want to learn about the culture of Indonseia or specifically Javanese culture in the past.

Radya Museum Library has a collection consisting of various statues, indigenous heritage, shadow puppets and ancient books. Collection of ancient books that are sought that include the Wulang Reh  of Pakubuwono IV whose contents include instructions regarding government’s  administration and Serat Rama written by Yasadipura I, he is  Kraton Surakarta poet , that who tells about  the epic Ramayana in Indonesian version.

Unfortunately some cases have tarnished the reputation of this museum. Theft collections museum  a few years ago  involving employees of museum and top of Indonesian businessmen to make the museum is about to lose a very valuable collection. Five ancient statues are worth hundreds of millions of dollars finally can be found and returned to the museum.

It's to bad if you travel to Solo and not visit this interesting place.
Radya Museum Library is open Tuesday to Sunday 8:30 to 13:00 WIB.

Radya Pustaka, The Oldest Museum in Indonesia Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Alis Tuwek


  1. This sounds to be a very interesting place depicting the culture of the place.

  2. Yes...Sam, Solo or Surakarta is a rich area in Central Java. They are all interesting. You must visit to this city,although just once. Thanks for coming to my simple blog.

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