Wayang Kulit or shadow puppet (leather puppet) show was not
only held in London, England. In some European countries, like Netherlands,
Spain and Italy have also held a shadow puppet show. As in France, the leather
puppet show witnessed hundreds of city residents successfully held. The show held at the lake, in a field of the city seen
by all people.
It was a full moon night. The audience who had never seen
shadow puppets before were firstly just come for their curiousity. But then after a while watching
the leather puppet, they even can enjoy this one of Indonesia's high culture works.
Group puppet "Wilis Prabowo" with
the chief Widodo that came at the invitation of the Indonesian
ambassador to France does have a mission, to introduce Indonesian culture in France. The
puppet show, unfortunately did not fully
use French language, but the audience not find it difficult to understand the story
of the Ramayana through some dialogue translated in French.
Lailly En Val, France, was so enthusiastic about the show
that is not common in the city. Tthey
came to an arena show at the lake in their town.
This Shadow puppets goup
come from Wonogiri, Central Java, was
accidentally aswked Indonesian Embassy to introduce Indonesian culture. Apart from performing wayang kulit this java leather puppets group also held a workshop, introduction and training
of shadow puppets and Javanese gamelan at several schools and nursing homes. Such
activities got good enthisiasism from
people around the school expressed appreciation , even some of them demonstrate
their skill by playing shadow puppets
and gamelan.
Mayor Lailly en Val, Yves Fichou, along with members of the
City Council, Claude Bourdin, and the Regional Council, Agnes Quatrehomme,
expressed his appreciation at the closing of the cultural activities Wilis
Prabowo shadow puppet group at City Hall. They expressed their appreciation to
the Embassy in Paris and the group Wilis Prabowo wayang kulit shadow puppets
were introduced, and gamelan musicians to city residents.
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