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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Kris Souvenir in North Square of Surakarta

For the traveler who wants to get unique souvenirs of Kris and precious stones, you should go to the  “ Alun Alun Utara “ or The North Square of Surakarta.

This place  can accessed on the way to palace, precisely before going into the main part of the palace, from the Pasar Gede, you'll pass through the North Square, where the entrance is marked by a large gate near the statue Slamet Riyadi. A statue of the Hero of the Republic of Indonesia became more interesting when seen at twilight. If you arrived at this place, you better go on foot, because the location of each tourist objects near each other, or at least you can ride a Becak or Indonesia rickshaw.

Once come to this square, you will see so many shady banyan trees along the way. Not far from the gate, on the left side of the road, you will find the Batu Mulia Market, There is a huge collection of precious stones in place.

Then you can go to the center and souvenir dagger opposite Crafts Gamelan "Great Hall" or on the left side of North Square. In this place you can find a wide range of local souvenirs are usually a dagger, blangkon, and traditional musical instruments of the Javanese.

Do you know Keris or Kris? The kris is an asymmetrical dagger, a traditional weapon with magical power (in old time)  most strongly associated with the culture of Indonesia, especially in Java Island.

A kris  has three  parts: bilah (blade), hulu (hilt), and warangka (sheath).  The art of kris is on these three parts  which often carved in meticulous detail and made from various materials, metal, precious or rare types of wood, or gold or ivory.

A kris's aesthetic value covers the dhapur (the form and design of the blade, with around 150 variants), the pamor (the pattern of metal alloy decoration on the blade, with around 60 variants), and tangguh referring to the age and origin of a kris.

While Blangkon (Javanes) or belangkon (Indonesian) is a traditional headdress worn by Javanese men and made of batik fabric. Actually Blangkon souvenir sold in North Square of Surakarta is Surakarta Blangkon type. Because There are 4 different types of blangkons,  Ngayogyakarta blangkons, Surakarta blangkons, Kedu blangkons, and Banyumasan blangkons. But if you are lucky, you will get three other type of blangkon here.

Kris Souvenir in North Square of Surakarta Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Alis Tuwek


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