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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Danar Hadi Museum, History of Batik in Java

Solo City is The Spirit of Java, a city that has a very strong Javanese culture. One the the proof  is the existence of the palace which still exists until this day. And of course because of it has a passion to preserve and keep the true Javanese culture. No wonder Solo now became one of  city of tourist  attraction in Central Java, both domestic and abroad. There are so many traveler who come to visit for witnessing the Javanese culture in Solo. 

Batik products is one form of Javanese art and culture which is also an attraction for Solo tourism. Solo has the famous traditional batik industrial centers, such as in Laweyan and Kauman Kampong.  It’is is famous for its traditional style patterns and also has spawned several important figures in the world batik. One of them is Mr. H. Santosa. He is one of the Solo batik entrepreneurs who managed to build and develop the batik industry with the trademark of  Hadi Danar .

One way to preserve batik is batik the founding of a museum located behind the House of Danar Hadi. Danar Hadi Batik Museum, which was inaugurated by President Megawati Soekarno Putri in 2000. It has thousands of ancient batik collection. Unfortunately during our a visit to the museum, we  were not allowed to take pictures. However Our curiosity about the history of batik will be answered at the museum Danar Hadi. There are many collections from different regions likes Lasem (Chiness influence),  Pekalongan, Yogyakarta Batik or even we can find batik from Netherlands and China in this museum

The history of  batik in Indoneseia, especially Java has ever been in bad time in the middle of the 19th century with the beginnings of the westernization of fashion. People to tend to modern clothing because the price is cheaper and easier to produce. Thanks God, because of UNESCO acknowledgement of batik as an Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009 batik  got its glory again. Since then, batik has received great attention from the world community, and it make Javanese fan of batik became proud with what they had.

This recognition means that batik product is original Indonesian product. It  broke down  the claims of some country about this product. For Javanes  batik is more than just a piece of cloth with intricate drawings. Creating batik needs not only skills but also considerable patience and concentration to fully control the flow of the wax in the canting, a copper vessel resembling the bowl of a pipe filled with melted wax. It is the reason why in past times Javanes who made batik will consider their activity as a form of meditation.

Danar Hadi Museum, History of Batik in Java Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Alis Tuwek


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