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Monday, December 31, 2012

Travelers, Fortress Vastnburg Needs Our Attention!

The travelers  who visit Yogyakarta certainly familiar with Vredeburg a fort of  Dutch Colonial Government Era in Malioboro. Actuially Surakarta has the same one, Vastnburg Fort. Unfortunately Fortress Vastnburg  not get attention from government of Surakarta. This invaluable  historical site is abandoned and neglected. The Vastnburg fort  current ownership is in the hands businessman who wants to build a hotel on the grounds of the historic fort.

Vastenburg fort is the Dutch fort that was established in 1745. In the Dutch colonial era, the castle which is only half a mile from the palace,  is the surveillance place for the king of Surakarta. Meanwhile, across the castle there are the Dutch governor at that Baron Van Imhoft. Vastenburg fort ramparts square shape, each end there is a protrusion of the room, surrounded by a moat as well as protection. At the front and rear doors are also built bridges, as a means to enter and exit the castle.

The fortress is located in the city of Solo, not far from City Hall, Bank Indonesia, Pasar Gede, Kraton Surakarta and the other building. While there is a building in which the activities of the military barracks. While in the middle there is a large field for preparation and military training facilities.

The Wall that was so  solid long time ago, now looks porous mossy and overgrown weeds. Some of the buildings once used as military activities, also gone. Protective moat, now are in poor, dirty conditions, full of trash. All around the castle and almost invisible, because it filled a wild trees and shrubs.

The observers of cultural heritage kept asking Solo city government to rescue this cultural heritage sites. Although it is not easy for Solo City Government is to deal with the owner of the castle, who wants to make the land as a commercial building or a five-star hotel, they must try their best to save this fort.

The existence of the fort Vastenburg is not just historical heritage, but also inherent in the city's history. As well as the castle fortress Vredeburg in Yogyakarta, Solo Vastenburg even must be remembered as a part of  Indonesia history.

Through this blog post I really want to inspire our awareness to take care the existence of  this  historical  fort in the city of Surakarta. Anyone who had stopped to read this blog may want to contemplate for a moment after reading this, and then we could take a stand for the slightest act to keep the historic building sustainability Vastenburg fort in Solo. We must fight for it.

Travelers, Fortress Vastnburg Needs Our Attention! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Alis Tuwek


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